Friday, August 26, 2011

good night, Irene. good night.

I never thought that at the end of August, the country would be tracking a hurricane headed up the east coast requiring evacuations all the way up in New York.  As a New Orleanian, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm relieved Irene didn't make its way into the Gulf.  I think nola has had enough for a life time & I hope the hurricane gods have gotten that memo.  That said, my next emotions are always guilt & sympathy for those in the hurricane's path.

My little sister lives in Charleston, SC, actually on James Island, just minutes from Folly Beach.  So, of course, the fam was definitely concerned that Irene might be headed for my sis.  Charleston has also taken quite a punch from hurricanes in the past.  So, once the hurricane forecast takes the storm up the east coast rather than into the gulf, my next concern is always South Carolina.  Again, I'm relieved that my sister is dodging the bullet.   Of course, my dad (who lives here in nola) has been texting her all week demanding my sister get her evacuation plan together, but that's no surprise since our Dad is the stereotypical paranoid jew...everything is a disaster waiting to happen as far as he's concerned.  I texted my sister earlier this evening & asked how the weather was...she sent me a picture text of her in her backyard wearing her "Be a New Orleanian wherever you are." ( t-shirt that I'd sent her this week & she said, "windy & wearin' my shirt.".  So, I think she's doing just fine.  I told her I was proud she was being a New Orleanian in SC...she better be representing for the Big Easy even if she is a Charlestonian now.

I'm just hoping that if the rest of the country learned anything from Katrina, they learned not to fuck with a hurricane!!  Just pack your shit up & get the hell out!  If you don't have to evacuate, I hope y'all have already stocked up on batteries, flashlights, candles, wine, water, etc.  Hurricane parties, in moderation, are perfectly acceptable.  At least it ain't nearly as damn hot up north as it is down here, so it's just a little easier to survive without AC if the power does go out.  We're all hoping that the east coast from NC to Connecticut pulls through with little harm.

It's all just that much more erie given that we're just a few days away from the 6th anniversary of Katrina & Labor Day weekend.  For the past 6 years, I've just held my breath through the end of August & early September.  I'm holding my breath now...& crossing my fingers.

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