Friday, April 27, 2012

to be a licensed tour guide in the city of New Orleans

Although I’m always raving about all of the advantages I get from having my tour guide license, it certainly ain’t easy to get that license or even renew it!  Initially, we go through a process with a written test on nola history, then a drug test, & a FBI background check…plus a lot of fees for these tests & the application.  Yeah, go figure, we’re under City Hall’s taxi cab bureau, so we have to comply with the same regulations that taxi cab drivers do to get their licenses.  Seems a bit extreme, but it’s not like we have any say.  Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree with the nola history testing portion, we shouldn’t have a bunch of tour guides roaming the streets just spewing nonsense at our tourists.  However, the $50 FBI fingerprinting background check (which has to be done at the New Orleans Aviation Board office at the airport) is where I draw the damn line! 

My first time around, I took a preparatory course with the Friends of the Cabildo who helped me go through the process and procure my license.  All those that took the FOC class were able to take the city test with FOC & then FOC forwarded the results to the city.  FOC also gave us all the information on how to go about the licensure process.  We all expected it to be a pain in the ass given we’d have to deal with City Hall, but most of us made it through the ordeal with tour guide licenses around our necks at the end!

Our tour guide licenses expire on our birthday, so we have to begin the renewal process at least a few weeks before then.  The renewal process in previous years used to be a simple $10 fee & a minor background check with our local NOPD.  However, this year, a new dude in the Taxi Cab Bureau has reinterpreted the procedures & we’re now required to go through the exact same hoops that we did upon getting our license the first time.  This is total bull shit, if you ask me…just a way to put some more money in the city’s pockets.  Again, I wouldn’t protest if upon renewal, we were required to take another test on nola history, culture, etc. to make sure we’re keeping up with the info, but another drug test & FBI background check, come on, you’ve got to be kidding me!!  Many tour guides are protesting the new requirements & refuse to renew their licenses.  I respect their decision, but I’m just not a rule breaker, so I’ve gone through the process & finally got my new license this afternoon…hallelujah, praise the lord!!  So, I’ve proven to the city that I’m not a druggie nor wanted by the FBI, & after I paid everyone w/the required money orders (which is just another hassle itself), they finally agreed to take my picture & print out a new license.  Just like any photo for a driver’s license, I look a bit like a drugged out felon, but at least I’m legally licensed to guide tours once again. 

So, this is just my little rant of the day.  No fabulous outings, exhibits, or meals, just a long afternoon at City Hall.  But, I guess it’s worth it since the other 364 days of the year, I get to reap the benefits of being a tour guide in the Big Easy.

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